VULCAN Code | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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Viscous Upwind Algorithm for Complex Flow Analysis (VULCAN) This code is now used by researchers at NASA and Air Force for high-speed combustion R&D. VULCAN is a Navier-Stokes code adapted from work originated at NASA Langley Research Center. The code was refined by the original developer working under a Taitech SBIR Phase II contract. VULCAN solves the Reynolds-averaged conservation equations (in 2-D, axisymmetric, or 3-D form) appropriate for calorically or thermally perfect gases with a cell-centered finite volume scheme. The equation set can be integrated in a fully elliptic or space marched manner. The inviscid fluxes can be evaluated with central differences, Roe's flux difference method, or a low diffusion flux vector split scheme. A variety of one-equation and two-equation turbulence model options can be chosen to describe the turbulent velocity field, and assumed PDF options exist for modeling turbulence-chemistry interactions. Chemically reacting flows can be modeled with either global, reduced, or full finite rate kinetics. The code also contains full multi-grid capabilities, allowing rapid convergence for steady state problems. (Also see http://hapb-www.larc.nasa.gov/~jawhite/) Recent Success Story: Our scientists recently completed the parallelization of VULCAN using generic MPI (Message Passing Interface) libraries in a data-parallel fashion. This will allow VULCAN to exploit the relatively low-cost, high-performance, massively-parallel machines now becoming available.