


Our Story


Job Openings

  Taitech personnel have considerable experience in the areas of material science and material processing. This includes growth of semiconductors with controllable structure, material structuring phenomena, crystal nucleation, cluster assembly and self-assembly of nanostructures. Taitech is currently pursuing research on various self-assembly methods for the formation of arrays of periodic structures and electronic and photonic devices on the sub- 100nm scale.

Nanoengineering will lead to certain breakthroughs in electronics:

  • Replacement of a single microelectronic device by a functionally equivalent array of nanodevices connected in parallel will appreciably reduce power consumption and environmental problems.
  • New nanostructured materials have the potential to significantly reduce size and weight, as well as production cost and parts assembly time.
  • Nanostructures possess fundamentally new and exciting properties which occur only on the nanoscale, such as quantum effect, giant magnetoresistance, and photoluminescence from indirect bandgap semiconductors.



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Copyright © 2002 Taitech, Inc.
Last modified: February 20, 2002